Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Am I going to be blonde

Now that Amaey's hair is coming back he very seriously asked us if he was going to get blonde hair. All of us in the room cracked up hysterically. He did not know what was so funny... he just stared in disbelief.
I don't know what made him think about blonde hair but just visualizing his dark face and features with blonde hair does crack me up... Some day as a teenager I have no idea what this boy will end up doing. But on my watch I'd say the new set of hair looks pretty darn black to me.

Port is out

Amaey underwent a little surgery on August 15. They removed the device called Port that the doctor had implanted earlier in his treatment. This little device was in his chest area. They used it to give him is chemo and transfusions and such. Since we use it once a month the doctors felt it was safer to remove it to avoid infections due to infrequent usuage.

He still has stiches and a small bandage. But once that will fall off I'm sure Amaey will feel the difference. Apurva took him for this procedure and he told me that Amaey was amazingly brave and did not cry when he woke up from the sedation. I do not know where he gets his strength from but it sure is wonderful.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

First vacation

Earlier in the month- Amaey, Arjun and I went to Detroit to visit family. This was our first vacation via plane. I was a little nervous but all went well. It was a great getaway. A much needed change for him. The highlight of the trip was The Henry Ford museum. For a child that lives breathes hotwheels... this was like Mecca for him.

Also spending time with his aunt, uncle and cousin sister was quite a thrill. Houses in Detroit have basements and that was a super novelty for him. We did have to go and get blood test done while we were there but it was relatively painless. Overall he did amazingly well healthwise.

Amaey's Birthday party

We celebrated Amaey's 4th b'day on July 16. It was wonderful to see him enjoy with his friends amidst music, singing and parachutes.
It's really rewarding to see how well he is doing.

He goes to the clinic every week for blood test. After the test results are back the doctor calls and based on his results we give him his oral chemo tablets. Once a month he goes in to the clinic for Vincristine which is a chemo they inject through his port. He also gets his oral tablets and a 5 day dose of steroids. This usually knocks him down for 5 days. He is usually slow, highly emotional, indecisive and low after this. Every 12 weeks he has a spinal tab procedure and for this he has to undergo anesthesia.

I'm sure all of this must sound too much. But, from where we were... this is very easy to handle. Much more manageable and normal.


June 7 was Amaey's graduation from his Montessori. The director/founder of the school was retiring so the school closed down after 27 years. This was a special day for us because of everything Amaey had been through.

Here are some pictures from his graduation day.