Thursday, December 15, 2005


On Nov 22 when we took Amaey to ER the first person we called is our angel, Apurva's sister. She and her husband are doctors. We have called her up at the strangest hours.
She is one of those people that is so busy and engrossed in her work, her daughter and her life. When we leave casual messages we might never hear back from her. BUT, if you call her with any medical need she will call ASAP regardless of the time of the day. She gives us hope and just listening to her calm voice gives us support.

As soon as she got tickets she flew to SFO and was at the hospital with us. She makes doctor language so normal and easy to understand. We bounce off all the treatment talks with her so that we know we have a second opinion and if she sees a red flag she will alert us.

Just after she went back home my eldest sister flew in. She has been the mother figure for me since she is the oldest and I'm the youngest. Her mere presence gave me peace. Apurva and I were in the hospital while my entire family talked and decided who was going to be here with us to help us for the first 4 months of the treatment. None of them asked us and booked their tickets just to help us with the house and Arjun.

With Amaey on steroids our kitchen is on 24/7. No kidding. Which means our kitchen sink and our dishwasher is full all the time. All these normal day-to-day things of life would have got to our nerves if it weren't for the family help. My sister and Arjun could be seen playing scrabble for hours. He taught her to play UNO and they would finish-up homework. She is an amazing cook and evertime she would make something that Amaey liked he would compliment her.

My sister from London overlapped her visit before my elder sister left. This sister is a teacher so Arjun has had a great time doing homework and other math games with her. They play chutes and ladder, scrabble, puzzles... you name it. Today she has gone to the hospital with Apurva and Amaey since it is day22 of Amaey's treatment. Do you know what Amaey said..."am I getting platelets today?"

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