Friday, September 02, 2011

Last two days Amaey is doing better with his nausea and pain. He hasn't wretched in the morning or needed extra meds. Today when the docs came in for rounds, the only question he had was, when am I going home, I want to go home today. He was talking about scootering around and that was awesome. I'll definitely go and buy him and Arjun new scooters because the ones they have are slightly rusty and we need to have new, clean stuff for Amaey.

The only thing stopping us from leaving is fever. He still spikes a fever and they are not that high but it's still a fever. If the fevers continue they will do a full body scan on him just to make sure all is well inside,

They already came and taught us the home nursing procedures. We got our education on do's and don'ts and discharge list which we will be glued to for the first few weeks. It is always nerve wracking when we have to go home, but going home after two months of being in the hospital will be a change of pace and reality for us. We will be staring at him and watching him like hawks so that we don't miss anything.

We have been spending our last two days looking for apts. I also stopped by Ronald McDonald house and it is final that Arjun cannot stay there. We liked one appt which is 5 min from the hospital and we might have an apt by end of next week.

Arjun started school on Monday, this week feels so long. Yesterday when I went home and I told him I was tired he said, wow pa said that yesterday too, you two are always tired why? And I felt like getting mad at him for being inconsiderate but while I was explaining the reasons I realized that it was not his fault and it was ok to say it as he sees it. Last two days were very busy because of the apt hunting. We haven't really taken on much in a while and now we know why, we are operating on an almost empty fuel tank.

Yesterday was sweet, while we were with the nurse getting our discharge training and education Apurva mentioned that it was our anniversary and the nurse spent a lot of time planning a getaway lunch for us. So we left Amaey with the nurses and walked across the hospital and had lunch and gelato. It was wonderful....


Renata said...

Happy Anniversary!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Apurva & Purvi!!
Renu & Sunil