My dear friend Maureen sent this to me yesterday and I want to share it. I'm constantly wondering how Amaey's friends are doing? I know Christopher and Amaey spent hours playing Lego Universe. They would skype in the hospital and do mad libs. I know Gabriel and Amaey would meet and talk like two old men that have a lot of life under their belt. I never knew boys could talk so much...
On Praying …
Our family says prayers and thank yous before dinner time at our house and everyone gets a chance to say something that they would like to. Some times we thank god for video games and good food, but most often we say thanks for our family and friends. In the last few weeks my daughter Taylor who is not yet 6 has on two occaisions asked God to bring Amaey back down to us because his family is very sad without him and Christopher is sad too. I listen to the innocence in her prayer and listen to how sincerely she is asking for this one thing and it makes me wonder. I wonder if that is how we as adults sound to God sometimes when we ask for things that we will not get? When we ask God to help those we love to stay with us longer is it sometimes an impossible request? As her mom, I know that her request to bring him back to us now is not likely to happen, but she still believe.
We know people everywhere pray for healing and some are healed and others are not… I just don’t think those people who end up healed had more prayers, it just doesn’t make sense?
So what is the point in praying? Sometimes I think it is a therapeutic process for the person praying. It helps us focus, it helps us feel as though someone is on our side. Maybe it helps us to keep going, to keep trying when things are more out of our control than in our control. Is it just to give us something to do? Maybe some prayers can be answered and some can not… but we just don’t know the difference. Maybe they get answered with something different than we ask for. I wish I knew.
1 comment:
Just stopped by and read this again. Thank you for the words Maureen. Thanks for sharing them Purvi.
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