Thursday, December 15, 2005

December 15, 2005

Today is day 22 for Amaey's treatment. Amaey had is Chemo day at the hospital.

Since I could not sit for too long Apurva and my sister took Amaey at 10:30am. Today was a usual day, change his ivy dressing, get his vincristine via his ivy, some bloodwork to see if he needed more transfusion or platelets.

He has had some spots on his tummy so we were concerned about that and he has had a runny nose. The doctor asked us to be careful and not take him out to places filled with people. Pasta Pomodoro early on saturday was OK. (which Amaey is craving like crazy. I call his this phase in life AFB acute food binging)
After staying there for 2 hours Apurva called me at home to let me know that Amaey does not need platelets or transfusion today YOHOOOOO!. This is good atleast he is a bit stable.

Next thursday, which will be day 29, will be a big day for him. He will undergo a procedure under anesthesia. They will remove the pickline ivy from his arm and implant a port in his chest. This is considered a better solution for longterm treatment. He will also get Methatrexate and a bone maroow aspiration. On this day they will do an important test called MRD. This will help the doctors decide on Amaey's longterm prognosis.

My parents will be here from India on the 20th the same day as my sister leaves to go back to London.


Anonymous said...

Today I went to the hospital with Pinku as Pui was in pain. I was anxious as I did not know how the day would shape up. And lo behold his counts were good so he did not need any transfusion or platlets. I was beaming..... If I felt the way I did I cannot comprehend Pui and Pinku's feelings. Amaey was so amazing today. I love him to bits!!!!!!! His beautiful smile and his understanding gaze, well what can I say.

Anonymous said...

I forgot another beautiful thing Amu did at the hospital. His doctor wanted to check his lungs and asked Amu to breathe in and out. And to my and the doctors astonishment, he started bretahing in and out using his arms as though he was doing yoga!!!! You should have seen me and the docs mouth open in amazement. I later found out that Arjun had taught him this way of breathing.