Here are some videos of Amaey's performances and other glimpses into his beautiful life!
6 years old. Playing party.
7 years old, first performance.
8 year old performance with his music school.
9 yearl old. He could not perform at the venue so we taped him and the music school played these two performances at the event.
So sweet. He enjoys playing - he is smiling all the way thru. How old was he in this video?
- Abby.
Look how much fun he is having! The third video is my favorite - the difference between those boy-pudgy hands and that particular piece. Thank you Purvi.
Hi Purvi, I love how his whole body dances as he plays. I can't stop thinking of Amaey and how much he accomplished in such a short time. We also took 2 of his bookmark poems. I showed it to my dad and he too was so amazed that a small child could put such thoughts into such a sweet poem. He certainly seems to do with ease what most of us adults are still struggling with. Thank you for sharing these.
Purvi, my heart is with you...
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