Thursday, July 23, 2009

At the clinic

A child walks in -
hunched up, dragging her feet.
Parent follows, overburdened with bags.
A pillar of strength, both- in their own right,
join the families, waiting, waiting for their turn
for their turn to join the elite group of strength & perseverance.
To add one more visit, 
one more poke, one more check-up,
to their long list of achievements.
They walk around the clinic, some like ninjas,
some on their wheelchairs, some wheeled in their radio flyers, 
some kicking & screaming and dragging their feet - 
mad at their caregivers, mad at their families,
mad at everything that lays eyes and hands on them.
A child walks in, sometimes it's an in and out, or a few hours. 
Sometimes it might take an entire day, or more.

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